Transportation was still based upon horses, both for freight, business and personal use. This kept many in business, noted by advertisements in an 1898 Brigham Bugler:
- H. E. Bowring with harnesses, saddles and other horse equipment,
- W. H. Glover Livery and Feed Stables (near the courthouse),
- The City Bell express wagon operated by John Funk,
- Olof Jeppson horseshoer and general blacksmith (one door south of bakery),
- Alex Baird and Son with tents, wagon covers and horse blankets (back of the post office),
- N. C. Mortensen & Son, wagons and buggies1Brigham Bugler, (Brigham City: April 16, 1898), 1-4.
Horses were also used for sporting and pleasure, as noted in an 1898 story about the Jensen Driving Path west of town, where a racetrack was being harrowed, adding that there were “a number of colts that showed promise”2Brigham Bugler, (Brigham City: April 30, 1898), 1.
Bicycles became popular in the 1890s, and a number of businesses added them to their stock or specialized in them, such as Brigham City Cycle in 1896.
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